See how nice and neat the power cords are in the cart in the above picture?
Believe it or not, even though I numbered the shelves (and the corresponding computers) if the students put the computers away unobserved the cart will turn into an absolute Gordian knot of chaos!
I also like the cart keys because it looks like you are setting the launch codes both keys need to be turning to gain access.
Each student is issued a certain number on both cart one and two. That is then the computer they use each and every time.
More Power Points are on the way.
thoose carts are never in that good condition, everytime i get to them its amess
yea thoose laptops are cool, but i like the computer lab better
anonymous....... you must be in Steve's English class not mine.
I like computer lab beter because there is more things to do and it is fun the first thing we do when we come in here is do some work and then we get free time.
yo i think laptops are better cuz lyke the laptops are faster and computers are slowe thanks acer you rock dude you should make more computers ps u rock hard
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