Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Providence Campus Project

Here is our first submission from Providence Campus.
This is the work of Silvio S. an eleventh grader. Unfortunately, while is an excellent free hosting site, it strips all of the effects and timing from the student power points. These look good on the blog but you are only seeing a static slide. When we view these on the projector they are even more impressive!


Anonymous said...

i chose to research about the black panther party because i wanted to know what it was all about and why it was started

Unknown said...

i miss narragansett!!

Ms. Dawn Manchester said...

These are fantastic slides and projects! Keep up the good work!

Ocean Tides said...

Narragansett is so cool now. The only thing that isn't cool is Penn. That part of computer class is whack.

carol fishbein said...

These powerpoint projects are awesome. I especially liked the Black History 1 show. The pictures were interesting, and the print contrast made it easy to read. It seems like your students really enjoyed and took pride in this project. I've only done one power point presentation in my life, but I think it is such an important skill to master for almost any business or role one may play in the future. Thanks for sharing your kids work with us.